D-PF special membranes with hollow fiber is used having various porosity and permeability which gives colorless, clean and zero TSS and zero turbidity water having COD reduction depending on type of chemistry is used to treat direct effluents and 90-95 % direct pure water is obtained which is suitable for re use or go to RO and rest water is treated and direct converted into the sludge and then leachate taken back to treatment in system. So almost 100 % water is get purified and can come out from ETPs hassles. RO will run with better efficiency and life of membranes and recovery also elongated substantially.
The D-PF system operates on a continuous basis by controlling the rate of permeate flow from the membrane modules. A feed pump and recirculation pump ensure cross flow velocity as well as feed ratios and regular interval backwash by product generated is maintaining the flux. Same time reject is also extracted to maintain the recovery and TSS level. It is auto software based continuous operational system. Auto CEB and CIP controls when needed to clean in case of low flux. Complete safe operation and no any input control parameters range needed like ETPs